Friday, April 27, 2012

Picking up speed...

Man, it's been a rough two weeks.  Maybe it was just the 3rd trimester kicking my booty finally.  It was like no matter what I ate, drank, did, I was EXHAUSTED.  This little man was sucking the life out of me! 

Luckily, today I was feeling a little sluggish and then finally I got with it! 

Our office was a complete WRECK!  I don't think I took any before pictures, I'll have to take some at least once I get all the crap OUT of it. 

Long story short, we moved into my childhood home and my parents moved out and into their motorhome when the economy took a dump.  My dad was in construction (Iron work) mostly residential and yeah it sucked.  So, they moved into their RV ($100,000+ Diesel pusher with 4 slide outs, yeah, they're not exactly "roughing" it) and they stay in the back yard (3 acres), and travel from time to time.  So, when they moved out they got *most* of their crap out... except the attic, garage & office.  So, we cleaned out the garage cause it still had some of our leftovers from moving in it (moving over 2 years ago!  lol), and it was just a mess.  My dad comes up for random stuff and leaves stuff out everywhere cause he'll be in a hurry and it just stays... well... out everywhere!  lol  

So then there was the office.  The floors had been ripped out (old nasty carpet), and it's just been plywood since we moved in.  But, my dad owned his own business and ran the office out of, well, our office....  So, even though he hadn't been "working" besides a job here and there for quite some time, it was a big mix of my stuff, their stuff, plus all the stuff we have no room for in the kitchen (cause we have like no kitchen or pantry really and it SUCKS!).  So, once I got pregnant, I knew the our extra playroom was turning into baby central and we would need to convert the office into our playroom.  Honestly, I've been SOOOOOO excited about this.  I can't wait to have a good organized space JUST for the kids, toys and learning.  Especially since I've considered the possibility of homeschooling the boys next year (maybe just one of them). 

So, in order to turn this into a room of FUN, I needed to get everything OUT!  HA!  Sounds MUCH easier than it actually is!  This room also has a build in kind of desk my Dad created attached to the wall surrounding the whole room, all but one wall.  And shelving on two walls... ugh, it's a pain. 

So I finally bought big plastic bins with lids and got to it today.  I've got pretty much everything organized into the bins, just a little bit left but still VERY exciting!  lol I'm hoping that this weekend I can have everything out and get my Dad or Husband to rip the desk out so I can start painting.  I want to Paint (one wall dry-erase paint, one wall chalk board paint, one wall metal for magnets and one wall will be painted I'm not sure on the color yet, and paint the ceilling white-it's blue-whatweretheythinking?), I want to put up new blinds (faux wood, horizontals), a new ceilling fan (the current one is brass and oak and ugly! :D), Also since we're currently walking on plywood floors, I want to put down Carpet Tiles....  I'm opting for tiles because well, kids are MESSY, The thought of being able to pull up a badly stained piece and put a new one down sounds amazing to me!  I don't plan on doing much "messy" art, we're going to build a paint station outside, but still markers, crayons, chalk, glue... that can end up pretty messy with up to 8 kids doing it at once!  lol 

Anyway, I Can't WAIT to get past the organizing and moving out of the room phase and get to the fun stuff and start really watching it come together! :D

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