Monday, April 18, 2011

awesome, amazing, fabulous, delightful weekend!

Had a great weekend.  Totally killed my diet (part of the reason why my weekend was so great probably!  lol), but I will overcome this week. 

I'm honestly so tired from the weekend, I'm coming here to try and get motivation to get on all my projects for today. 

So, on Friday I installed the wood floor in the kids room 100% BY MYSEFL!  AHHHHH!  insane.  I've never used a saw before, but I feel totally inspired and I'm ready to... pretty much build a house!  lol  Pictures to come soon! 

I have some revamping to do on a free bunk bed we got from our friend Alex (thank you thank you thank you!).  The kids have been in toddler beds STILL cause every time we think about buying them new beds some money issue arises.  :(  So, she was going to burn hers and I said WHAT???  I'll take them.  So I'm going to make the side guard rail and the latter and rig them together.  Oh and sand and paint them.  ALL the kids furniture is currently different colors.  Their dresser is white, the beds are a light wood, their train table is a black/espresso.  Since the train table is the newest thing and easiest to match everything else too, I'm gonna paint the dresser and beds to match it. 

The kids room still needs the molding done, but I'm gonna wait 'til I do the floors in the other bedroom and then do the molding at the same time.  BUT, today I need to move everything from the kids temporary room, back to their room so I can scrape the ceilings in there, spray texture, paint the ceiling white, paint the walls (who knows what color yet), install the floor, install the molding... insert nap here!

And pretty much all that stuff needs to be done this week!  And that's with a sea world trip thrown in the mix on wednesday.  ahhhhhhhhh! 

So, that's why I'm missing!  lol!  I hope to be back soon... VERY soon!  I have so many pictures that need entries to go with them. 

Oh, and update, had to take my cpr/first aid class on saturday.  While there, BORED, I got a facebook message....  if you remember this entry "How are your relationships?" you'll remember my struggle with a friend, I said things I shouldn't and never gave her the chance she deserved.  I was a HORRIBLE friend.  So, I sent her a message about 2 weeks ago and hadn't heard anything back.  So I got a message back during my class and it was GREAT!  We actually went to dinner with them saturday night after my class and they came over and BBQed with us Sunday.  I'm VERY happy with my decisions and I'm so glad that they are part of our life again.  I couldn't have asked for a better outcome and I'm working on being an amazing friend!

I'm gonna stop here because my children are running around the house like little maniacs and screaming for breakfast and hopefully if I go make it I'll get motivated to wash their bright outfit for kids choir (they have to wear the same one like 5 days this week, lol), move their room back and scrape ceilings..... uuuuuuuuuuugh. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. Thanks for following mine. I am going to now follow yours! hope you dont mind.
