Friday, November 11, 2011

We're having baby #3!!!

Yup, I'm pregnant!

We are so excited!  More excited today after a stressful week... well, stressful few weeks I guess.

First, spotting started...  spotting which continued for 16 days.  

At our first appointment at 6 weeks, the baby was measuring at the right size, but no heartbeat.  So there was our first stress.  So they did some blood work and wanted me back in 2 weeks to hopefully see a heartbeat on the ultrasound.

Spotting was still going on at this point.

Then the spotting stopped finally the Tuesday before my next appointment....

So, 2 weeks later (this last monday), we went and yay!!!!  There was a heartbeat... BUT, then there was the blood results.........
Growth hormone.... crazy high...
Progesterone....too low.. :(

I've known people who have lost their pregnancies due to low progesterone. 

The doctor likes to see a number around 15 or more.
Below 10 is dangerous.
I was at 7. :(

If that moment in the office wasn't scary enough, the doctor sent me for more blood work, and said to come back thursday...

That was it?  No progesterone prescription?  It's possibly been low for 2 weeks and now I'd have to wait 4 more days and have no idea what's going on or what's going to happen.  What if I lost the baby before the appointment?

Ugh...  that was a horrible 4 days.  Every cramp I was running to the bathroom to make sure there was no blood.  And I had pretty much banned myself to the couch to make sure I didn't do anything else that could help the chance of a miscarriage. 

So, Thursday came... yesterday.

I got more and more nervous as we headed to our appointment.  We finally got called back and of course the wait was longer than normal.  They put us in the ultrasound room again.  We waited... and waited...

The doctor finally came in and this time checked the blood results first...

He did a bunch of other tests that all came back normal...

Then the growth hormone...  Crazy high again...  It was at 90,000 at 6 weeks, and it had went up to 150,000 at 8 weeks.

Then for the progesterone.......
It DOUBLED!   All on it's own!  It went to a 14.5! :D  The doc said anything close to 15 is good and it's obviously going up on it's own.  So he sent me for blood work 1 more time to make sure it's still continuing to rise.  and I go back before thanksgiving.  :D

Oh and ultrasound again... our little bean has at least doubled in size from the 2 weeks before, and I saw arms! :D  It was quick, just to check the heartbeat which was still beating away :D 

Ugh, what a relief. 

This is our last baby (so the husband says... he he he....), so we're hoping for a girl, but if we do end up with a 3 boy clan, it won't be the end of the world, we just want a happy, healthy little munchkin. 

And oh how I am enjoying my day knowing baby is ok... 9 weeks tomorrow! :D 

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