Monday, January 3, 2011

My baby isn't a baby anymore...

Nolyn had his first day of preschool today. 

It was so hard to hold back the tears! 

He's my little momma's boy.  He was excited about it 'til we got there.  Then it started... he wouldn't leave my side, he didn't want me to go, he wouldn't talk to anyone else but me.  Luckily he went to look at something to play with for a second and I snuck right out of there.  I had to go before the tears started.  ugh.  It's only 3 hours a day.  he can handle it.  He's 4!  he has to prepare for kindergarten and I need some time for myself to get the house cleaned up and ready to do daycare.  ugh...  he'll be OK!

Aiden of course showed up after his two weeks off from Kinder and was ecstatic as usual!  he couldn't wait to get back to his friends!  With the rain pretty consistent for 2 weeks, he was going stir crazy. 

Now I have some paperwork to get done to run to the post office then it's clean clean clean time so I can go get Nolyn in 2 hours.  Oh how excited I hope he will be. 

1 comment:

  1. Tough! My Stinkpot will start pre-K in the fall. (if he will stop being so hard-headed about using the potty) He probably won't even look back at his weepy mom.
