Monday, June 14, 2010

My Miracle Man turned the big 0-5!

I still can't believe Aiden turned 5!

To some kids 5 is no big deal, but Aiden had a rough start.

I adopted Aiden.  I was his foster Mother (his 3rd foster mother) and got him at 3 months old.  Aiden had a rough start.  Aiden was taken away from his biological mother at birth.  He and his mother both tested positive for Crystal Meth when he was born.  He was actually born on the floor of a garage that was turned into a meth lab.  His mother didn't know she was pregnant and thought she had to poop, after going to the bathroom and nothing coming out with bad cramping she came out and told the other people present to call an ambulance, by the time the ambulance had arrived she had already given birth on the floor, so they took her and Aiden to the hospital.

When a child tests positive for drugs they are taken away from their mother immediately.    He was put into foster care, and went to two other families in our agency before we got him.  By the time he was 6 months old, his mother still hadn't completed the courts requirements to get him back (go to rehab) and her parental rights were terminated.  She tried to appeal and the state went to trial with her, which we attended.  His bio father even came out of the works for a while and requested paternity and claimed he and his extended family wanted Aiden, but when it came down to it, he never showed up for the trial.  Too little too Late, his mom decided to attend rehab a month after her deadline.  Finally right before Aiden's first birthday her appeal was denied at trial and we were officially granted permission to adopt him.

His adoption was final right before his 4th birthday.

When we got Aiden, we were told her had all kinds of "problems."  They said he was blind, they said he had digestion problems, his head was even flat in back from previous families just having him lay around and never holding him.

Miraculously we took him for all his appointments the week we got him and he did not have ONE SINGLE PROBLEM (besides the head shape, but that has fixed itself over time just from not being on it so much after we got him).  His vision has become perfect!

Of course since then throughout the almost 5 years he's been in my care, other things have come up related to the drug use during pregnancy... He has dental issues, he has very weak teeth.  Him and my bio son have always had the exact same dental care, I brush their teeth, but no matter what, he just has one problem after another.  And now we're facing some behavior issues, mainly being he's constantly hyper and never stops moving, but that's typical of half the boys his age I know.  lol

No matter what, he's my son and I love him with all my heart.  I still can't believe he's been through so much in his short life, but I'm so glad I was able to give him a better life and hopefully he'll never remember the bad stuff early on.

I do have a GIGANTIC stack of state records on his mother, on what happened, police reports, court transcripts.  All that he will be able to see when he's old enough to understand and WANTS to know what happened.

I'll leave you with some video's from his 5th birthday party on June 6th.  He has the best reactions to his presents on the first video!

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