Sunday, June 13, 2010

I officially declare today....


Maybe I'll try and bust out my camera and get some new shots of the boys.  Every few months I try to do a photo shoot and get some new pictures of them to hang on the wall, but now that I'm jobless I'd like to build my skills a little more and start using my camera on a daily basis.

I'm so glad we have a pool.  Even though that too needs to be updated cause pink tile isn't really "in" these days.  And during the summer our electric bill goes through the roof.  But, our Air Conditioner is broken and our Landlord (a.k.a. my dad, has yet to fix it) so I guess if we just don't use the Air conditioner and hang out in the pool it'll be less expensive anyway.

I'm a little nervous cause SDG&E is installing "smart meters" in everyones houses in San Diego now and on the news a lot of peoples bills have gone up.  Luckily most of the people have issues with their gas portion of the bill being higher and we are rural so we have propane so hopefully we won't have an issue.  It might help us cause some months we use like nothing and our bill will be insane because they estimate it instead of reading our meter.  With the "smart" meter they won't have to come out to read them anymore.  I won't how many meter reader people will lose jobs with no more meter reading???

So anyway, yay for sunny san diego days!  All week it was cloudy so it'll be nice to jump in the pool again!  And I semi-taught Nolyn how to swim so he's so excited to get in the water again.  Aiden on the other hand got too excited with his life jacket off when Nolyn was swimming and his head went under and now he's so scared to even try.  time like that when I wish they would LISTEN to my rules... like "ONLY ONE PERSON OFF THE STAIRS WITHOUT A LIFEJACKET!" cause it's hard to rescue two boys at once!

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